07/20/2007 OHR / EUSR

Lajčák Meets Sadovic; Concerned by Developments in Ministry of Security


The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Miroslav Lajčák, met today with Minister of Security, Tarik Sadovic, to discuss the work of his Ministry and the functioning of the Council of Ministers.

The High Representative and EU Special Representative made clear that he was concerned by the developments in the Ministry of Security and that he expected Minister Sadovic to uphold both the spirit and the letter of the laws of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“Since the Ministry of Security will be expected to have a crucial administrative role in future police reform, it is essential that it enjoys the full confidence of all who live in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” he said.

The High Representative and EU Special Representative also reminded Minister Sadovic that as Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers he bears considerable responsibility for the efficient functioning of that institution.

“Further visa facilitation with the European Union and other states will depend in large part on whether the Minister is able to carry out the tough actions needed in this area, which is so important to the Justice and Home Affairs requirements of the European Union,” he said.