The OSCE continues to play an instrumental role in supporting BiH’s efforts of ensuring a stable, peaceful and democratic future for all its citizens, High Representative and EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajčák told the incoming Head of the OSCE Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Gary Robbins, during their first meeting in Sarajevo today.
Lajčák stressed that the OSCE’s mandate in Bosnia and Herzegovina focuses on many key issues that are of concern to citizens, such as education, improving local governance and civil society participation in public life.
“During the public debates that my office recently organised throughout the country, participants of all backgrounds called for more accountability of their elected officials, better protection of their rights and improvements in the rule of law. Young people were very passionate and articulate in demanding equal access and standards, better quality and ending of all forms of discrimination in education”, Lajčák said. “The OSCE has an important role in helping local institutions in addressing these issues”.
As discrimination remains present in the Bosnian education system, Lajčák and Robbins also stressed the need for removing all forms of discrimination from BiH schools and universities and approaching education from the perspective of human rights.