01/13/2011 OHR / EUSR

Inzko Meets BiH Academic Community


“Despite all the difficulties in government formation the October elections remain BiH’s best chance for a fresh start,” said High Representative and EU Special Representative, Valentin Inzko, today.

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, together with the Chargé d’ Affaires of the European Delegation to BiH, Boris Iarochevitch, met with professors Muris Osmanagic, Dejan Milosevic and Vladimir Premec as representatives of one hundred intellectuals from Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad who have signed the “Open Appeal”. 

“Bosnia and Herzegovina desperately needs a vigorous, principled and effective government – and it needs it now,” Inzko said. He called on NGOs and Citizens associations to continue to demand action from political leaders. “Voters entrusted their support to parties and individuals on 3rd October. Now those who received that trust must justify it,” he said.

“BiH and its citizens cannot afford further delays in addressing key reforms; any new government needs to anchor the EU agenda at the heart of its programme,” Inzko said.Political leaders need to put the voters’ interests and the interests of the country above all else and formulate a majority that will be able to answer the challenges this country and its people face.

Boris Iarochevitch, Chargé d’ Affaires of the European Delegation to BiH pointed out that  urgent steps must be taken to align the Constitution with the European Convention on Human Rights and to improve the efficiency and functioning of institutions. Inzko and Iarochevitch also underlined that the International Community will stay proactively engaged in Bosnia and Herzegovina until the country secures full Euro-Atlantic integration as a sovereign and prosperous state.

“Across BiH people want jobs, better living standards, a more effective fight against crime and a more responsive Government — these are the International Community’s goals too” said Inzko today.