02/16/2012 OHR

Inzko meets Bevanda: European integration, economy and State budget are priorities


“The citizens of this country want to see the economy moving once again, more optimism and more hope” said High Representative Valentin Inzko this afternoon at a meeting with the Chair of the BiH Council of Ministers, Vjekoslav Bevanda.

Congratulating Vjekoslav Bevanda on his appointment, the High Representative agreed with him that the priorities for Bosnia and Herzegovina’s new Government must be European integration, the economy and ensuring the full financing of BiH’s institutions and the country’s international obligations in 2012. Inzko and Bevanda agreed the Global Fiscal Framework for 2012-14 and the State Budget for 2012 must be adopted urgently and in line with the Constitution and the law.

“The priority task for the new government is to preserve the fiscal sustainability of the BiH institutions by ensuring that the Parliamentary Assembly, on the proposal of the BiH Presidency, adopts a budget for 2012 that covers the expenditures required to carry out the responsibilities and ensures the full functioning of BiH’s institutions, and the fulfilment of BiH’s international obligations,” said Inzko.

The High Representative and the Chair of the Council of Ministers stated that additional effort is required to make up for lost time so that the remaining years of the mandate are utilised, and there is a return to a positive trend.

Inzko and Bevanda agreed that measures to stimulate economic growth and employment are a priority and that close cooperation between all levels of government will be needed to realize this. Amongst other things Inzko and Bevanda discussed the Sejdić-Finci ruling, and state and defence property.  

High Representative Inzko said that the election of the Chair and the Council of Ministers restored optimism to the political scene in BiH and he wished CoM Chair Bevanda every success in completing his very demanding mandate and in meeting the expectations of the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina.