04/27/2009 OHR EUSR

Inzko and Lagumdzija: Uncompromising adherence to EU agenda


Meeting in Sarajevo today, the High Representaitve and EU Special Representative, Valentin Inzko, and SDP President Zlatko Lagumdzija agreed on the importance of swift implementation of the reforms requirted by the EU accession process.

The HR/EUSR commended the SDP for the support their MP’s gave to the constitutional emmendment on Brcko. The High Representaitve and EU Special Representaitve highlighted that the SDP has a constructive role to play in future reforms in BiH.

The High Representative and EU Special Representative outlined that an atmosphere of dialogue and compromise must be fostered in BiH politics. The High Representative and EU Special Representative said that the SDP could make vital contribution to this process.