High Representative presents regular report to the UN Security Council
Today the High Representative, Christian Schmidt, presented his latest regular report on the implementation of the Peace Agreement on Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United Nations Security Council in New York.
In his briefing, the High Representative highlighted that the formation of the legislative and executive authorities after the October 2022 General Elections and destabilizing developments in Republika Srpska dominated the reporting period (16 October 2022 through 15 April this year). He noted the dynamics of forming the authorities at different levels, including in the Federation, which was caught in a stalemate between political blocs for seven months.
The High Representative reported that secessionist positioning and rhetoric by the RS leadership, particularly RS President Dodik, have dramatically increased in the reporting period. Mr. Dodik’s rhetoric questions Bosnia and Herzegovina’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, posing a severe obstacle to the full implementation of the Dayton Agreement and a threat to peace and stability in the country and potentially to the wider region. The High Representative called upon the UN Security Council to take these challenges to the principles of the Dayton Agreement seriously.
Domestic authorities have made little headway in completing the 5+2 Agenda. While budgets were adopted at various levels, contributing to the country’s fiscal sustainability and functionality, and the Brčko District saw some positive developments, the country still faces considerable challenges regarding state and defense property, the rule of law, and various aspects of fiscal sustainability.
The High Representative announced his intensified engagement toward achieving those goals.