High Representative Valentin Inzko decided to partially accept the Ice Bucket Challenge from HDZ BiH President Dragan Čović, whom he also wishes to thank for his nice words and the fact that he remembered him in this special occasion.
Of course, the High Representative will be pleased to take part in this action. However, he will skip the part related to pouring cold water over his head. Namely, in this pre-election, crucial period, it is expected of local protagonists on the political scene to already be coolheaded and focused on addressing the burning economic problems that the citizens of BiH are facing.
What the High Representative will definitely not skip is to give his personal contribution to humanitarian actions throughout BiH. On this occasion he has already paid a donation to the Association “Autism in BiH” from Sarajevo and the Association for Help to Persons with Autism “Children of Light” from Banja Luka.