07/10/2009 OHR

Gregorian Welcomes Resolution on Meeting Entity Obligations


Brcko Supervisor Raffi Gregorian welcomed the Brcko District Assembly’s unanimous adoption of a Resolution appealing to relevant state and the entity institutions to cooperate with the authorities of the Brcko District of BiH on resolving the four issues identified by the Peace Implementation Council. 

The Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council in its communiqué of June 30, 2009, called upon the Entities and the State to settle mutual debts, allow for change of entity citizenship for Brcko residents, to regulate the supply of electricity to the District, and resolve the matter of Brcko’s share of gold and other proceeds from SFRY assets no later than 15 September 2009.

These matters are obligations arising under the Final Award and its Annex and have been subject to unfulfilled agreements concluded with the Entities in 2000 and 2001 which in some cases have also been affected by subsequent changes in legislation.

The Supervisor also welcomed the initiative of the Brcko District mayor to discuss these issues with the RS Government on June 11, 2009 and with the Federation Government on July 3, 2009.

Resolution of the Entity’s obligations would allow the Supervisor to finally notify the Arbitral Tribunal of completion of the Final Award and pave the way for the Peace Implementation Council to take a decision on terminating the Supervisory regime in the Brcko District of BiH at its scheduled meeting in November.