Decision removing Drago Tokmakcija from his position as Deputy Mayor of Drvar

Drago Tokmakcija
Deputy Mayor

Dear Mr. Tokmakcija,

This is in reply to recent incidents in your municipality, including yesterday’s murder of two elderly citizens, ongoing harassment of Serb returnees and numerous arsons of houses.

As you know, elected officials have a special responsibility in the implementation of the Peace Agreement. They have this responsibility towards their citizens, but also towards the international community which is prepared to assist them in complying with their obligations. If elected officials fail, they must leave their task to others.

You have been warned time and again that the volatile situation in Drvar, created by irresponsible criminal elements, was not tolerable and had to be taken under tight control by the municipal authorities. Yesterday’s incidents give ample proof that you did not live up to the obligations which your office demands from you. Incidents in particular against minorities have continued and culminated in the egregious murders which were discovered last night.

You must now be held politically responsible for this situation. I have no choice than to use the authority given to me by the Bonn Peace Implementation Council and to dismiss you from your position as Deputy Mayor with immediate effect. I will ask the HDZ leadership to nominate someone dedicated to the implementation of the Peace Agreement in Drvar to replace you. I will also inform the OSCE to ensure that you cannot run for a public office in the September elections.

In parallel and under my guidance, the UN IPTF will take action against those police officers in Drvar and in your Canton who share responsibility for the present unacceptable security situation.

Copies of this letter will be sent to the HDZ leadership and the members of the Steering Board.

Yours sincerely,

Carlos Westendorp
High Representative

Office of the High Representative