
Article by the High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch:”The challenge for Kostunica”

If Yugoslavia is to be accepted by others, it must start recognising its neighbors' sovereignty, says Wolfgang Petritsch It is time to deflate the champagne atmosphere in Belgrade. As the West's senior envoy to Bosnia, I have some hard questions for Vojislav Kostunica, Yugoslav president, who I plan to meet soon. Mr Kostunica's most obvious quarrel [...]

Clanak Visokog predstavnika, Wolfganga Petritscha:”Kakve vodje treba Bosna i Hercegovina, Uklanjanje prepreka za preuzimanje odgovornosti”

Poruka koju ja stalno ponavljam i koja je upucena ovoj zemlji jeste poruka o "odgovornosti", sto znaci da i zvanicnici i gradjani trebaju preuzeti ulogu izgradnje buducnosti Bosne i Hercegovine. Oni zvanicnici koji svoj licni, nacionalni ili stranacki interes stave ispred svoje profesionalne obaveze da sluze ovoj zemlji i njenim gradjanima predstav [...]

Dnevnik Visokog predstavnika za Dnevni Avaz

Cetvrtak, 11. novembar Jos uvijek sam pomalo umoran nakon jucerasnjeg dugog leta iz Vasingtona preko Minhena, ali Ured visokog predstavnika nikad ne spava. Trosatni sastanak sa predstavnicima Vijeca Evrope. Cini se da svi nestrpljivo cekaju prijem BiH u Vijece Evrope, predvorje kluba zemalja poznatog pod imenom Evropska Unija.

Article by the High Representative, Carlos Westendorp:”Lessons From Bosnia”

SARAJEVO -- This is my last week as the international community's High Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina, a post I have held for the last two years. As this article goes to press, gangs of workmen are hastily planting flower beds and filling in the potholes of the war-damaged approach roads to Sarajevo's Zetra sports complex, the venue for the 2 [...]

Article by Simon Haselock, Deputy High Representative for Media Issues:”BiH will Enter Europe Only When the Media is Liberated from Political Control”

There is plenty of happy talk at the moment about this country joining the European club. The Stablity Pact signed this month is indeed an important step for the region. But before Europe comes to the Balkans, politicians have to be evicted from the newsroom. When it comes to television and media freedom, Bosnia-Herzegovina is light years away from [...]