Brcko Supervisor Susan R. Johnson issued a supervisory order entrusting the Agencija za posredni~ke, informati~ke i finansijske usluge A.D. Banja Luka with the task of verification of old foreign currency savings within the Brcko District.
The Order authorizes the Brcko District Government to sign a contract with the Agency without Assembly approval, under the condition that the cost per verification is not higher than in the Republika Srpska and the Federation of BiH.
The Brcko District Assembly has, so far, failed to approve funds for verification of old currency savings that would have been necessary for the Government to award the contract. It is not known when the Assembly will resume regular sessions again.
The Supervisor made this step in order to remove obstacles which would have excluded the Brcko District citizens in the country-wide process of the old currency verification process.
The Agencija za posredni~ke, informati~ke i finansijske usluge A.D. Banja Luka has been identified as best suited for verifying claims od Brcko residents, in accordance with the BiH Law on Public Procurement.