
HR/EUSR Speech at the EUPM Inaugural Ceremony

In the course of my duties as both the High Representative and the Special Representative of the European Union, I attend a good number of official ceremonies and formal events.
But I can honestly say none of them has marked such an important event as the opening of the European Union’s Police Mission – the first such mission ever to be laun [...]

Govor Visokog predstavnika u BiH i Posebnog predstavnika EU, Lorda Ashdowna, pred Političkim i sigurnosnim vijećem Europske unije i Sjevernoatlantskim vijećem

Drago mi je što sam ovdje zajedno sa mojim prijateljem i kolegom Johnom Sylvesterom.

Ukoliko vas zanima primjer tijesne suradnje u praksi između Europske unije i NATO-a, dovoljno je pogledati odnos koji postoji između Posebnog predstavnika EU i zapovjednika SFOR-a – kako u vrijeme dok je John bio tu, tako i sada sa njegovim nasljedni [...]

Presentation by PDHR Donald Hays at the Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency

I have just attended a meeting of the Steering Board of the Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency.
As all of you know, SERDA brings together the local authorities from across the Sarajevo region, on either side of the IEBL. It does this for a very simple reason - it makes economic sense.
Economic sense creates jobs.
SERDA [...]