
A Major Step Forward for Bosnia and Herzegovina

Although deep political divisions persist in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the people of this country can rightfully be proud of what they have accomplished since the Dayton Peace Agreement was signed in November 1995.

Mostar: Vrijeme za kompromis

Budući da će 10. svibnja biti raspisani općinski izbori, vrijeme brzo istječe za provedbu odluka Ustavnog suda BiH prema kojima bi političari u Mostaru i Parlament BiH (a ne visoki predstavnik) trebali izvršiti ograničene izmjene izbornog sustava u Mostaru.

Genocide Took Place in Srebrenica

If the overriding priority of political leaders is to do the job they have been elected to do - to serve the citizens of this country, to create job opportunities, to fight corruption, to improve education and to ensure the security of citizens - then we will see agreements reached very quickly on government coalitions and on common platforms.

No more time should be lost

The people of Bosnia and Herzegovina went to the polls on 3 October in their sixth general election since independence. The capacity to hold regular free and fair elections is now firmly established. This is a positive sign of normality.