Title “Official Gazette Number” Date of Publishing
Law on Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina
High Representative Decision Enacting the Law on the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 79/02 BH, 38/02 18/12/2002
BH, 30/03 10/10/2003
Law Amending the Law on the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 42/03 27/12/2003
Law on Amendments to the Law on the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 81/06 09/10/2006
Law on Amendments to the Law on the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina II BH, 81/06 09/10/2006
Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 76/07 15/10/2007
High Representative Decision Enacting the Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 11/07 BH, 81/07 29/10/2007
Law on Ministries
Law on Ministries and Other Bodies of Administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 5/03 07/03/2003
Law Amending the Law on Ministries and Other Bodies of Administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 42/03 27/12/2003
Law Amending the Law on Ministries and Other Bodies of Administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 26/04 07/06/2004
Law Amending the Law on Ministries and Other Bodies of Administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 42/04 10/10/2004
Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on Ministries and Other Bodies of Administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 45/06 13/06/2006
Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on Ministries and Other Bodies of Administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 88/07 20/11/2007
Law on Amendments to the Law on Ministries and Other Bodies of Administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 35/09 05/05/2009
Law on Amendments to the Law on Ministries and Other Bodies of Administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 59/09 28/07/2009
Law on Amendments to the Law on Ministries and Other Bodies of Administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 103/09 30/12/2009
Law on Amendments to the Law on Ministries and Other Bodies of Administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 87/12 05/11/2012
Law on Changes to the Law on Ministries and Other Bodies of Administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 6/13 28/01/2013
Law on Changes to the Law on Ministries and Other Bodies of Administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 19/16 18/03/2016
Law on Changes to the Law on Ministries and Other Bodies of Administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 83/17 17/11/2017
High Representative Decision Enacting the Law on Federation Ministries and Other Bodies of Federation Administration No. 56/02 FBH, 58/02 19/11/2002
FBH, 19/03 13/05/2003
Law on Amendments to the Law on Federation Ministries and Other Bodies of Federation Administration FBH, 38/05 04/07/2005
Law on Amendments to the Law on Federation Ministries and Other Bodies of Federation Administration FBH, 2/06 18/01/2006
Law on Amendments to the Law on Federation Ministries and Other Bodies of Federation Administration FBH, 8/06 24/02/2006
Law on Amendments to the Law on Federation Ministries and Other Bodies of Federation Administration FBH, 61/06 16/10/2006
Law on Changes to the Law on Federation Ministries and Other Bodies of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
(Note: No English translation available, the changes refer only to the Croatian language version of the law.)
FBH, 52/09 10/08/2009
Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on Federation Ministries and Other Bodies of Federation Administration FBH, 48/11 01/08/2011
Law on the Republika Srpska Administration
(NOTE: English translation will be available soon)
RS, 118/08 16/12/2008
Law on Amendments to the Law on the Republika Srpska Administration RS, 115/18 20/12/2018
Law on Amendments to the Law on the Republika Srpska Administration RS, 111/21 14/12/2021
Law on Amendments to the Law on the Republika Srpska Administration RS, 15/22 03/03/2022
Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on the Republika Srpska Administration RS, 56/22 17/06/2022
(NOTE: English translation will be available soon.)
Law on Civil Service
High Representative Decision Imposing the Law on Civil Service in the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 182/02 BH, 12/02 06/06/2002
BH, 19/02 25/07/2002
FBH, 23/02 07/06/2002
RS, 31/02 10/06/2002
High Representative Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Civil Service in the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 124/03 BH, 8/03 03/04/2003
BH, 35/03 12/11/2003
FBH, 14/03 08/04/2003
RS, 16/03 19/03/2003
High Representative Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Civil Service in the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 205/04 BH, 17/04 10/05/2004
BH, 32/07 30/04/2007
Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on Civil Service in the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 4/04 03/03/2004
Law on Amendments to the Law on Civil Service in the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 26/04 07/06/2004
Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on Civil Service in the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 37/04 12/08/2004
Law on Amendments to the Law on Civil Service in the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 48/05 19/07/2005
Law Amending the Law on Civil Service in the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 2/06 16/01/2006
Law on Amendments to the Law on Civil Service in the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 43/09 02/06/2009
Law on Amendments to the Law on Civil Service in the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 8/10 02/02/2010
Law on Changes to the Law on Civil Service in the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 40/12 28/05/2012
Law on Amendments to the Law on Civil Service in the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 93/17 28/12/2017
Law on Civil Service of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Law on Civil Service of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
NOTE: On the day of entering into force of the Law on Salaries and Compensations in the Authorities of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, published in the “Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, 45/10 (29.07.2010), provisions of the Law on Civil Service of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina related to salaries and compensations of civil servants shall cease to be valid.
FBH, 29/03 30/06/2003
High Representative Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Civil Service of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 206/04 FBH, 23/04 03/05/2004
FBH, 54/04 08/12/2004
Law Amending the Law on Civil Service of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina FBH, 39/04 24/07/2004
Law Amending the Law on Civil Service of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina FBH, 67/05 30/11/2005
Law on Amendments to the Law on Civil Service of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina FBH, 8/06 24/02/2006
Law on Amendments to the Law on Civil Service of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina FBH, 4/12 13/01/2012
Law on Amendments to the Law on Civil Service of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
NOTE: According to the Constitutional Court of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Decison U-13/16, the Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on Civil Service in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, published in the „Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina“, 99/15, is not in accordance with the Constitution of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina“.
FBH, 99/15 25/12/2015
Law on the Civil Service in the Republika Srpska Administration
Law on the Civil Service in the Republika Srpska Administration (Revised Version – RS O.G. 16/02, 62/02 and 38/03)
NOTE: On the day of entering into force of the Law on the RS Administration (“Official Gazette of Republika Srpska”, 118/08, 16.12.2008), Provisions of Articles 2 through 6, Article 12, Articles 14 through 19, Articles 29 through 31, Articles 33 through 41 and Articles 91 through 199 of the Law on the Civil Service in the Republika Srpska Administration, shall cease to be valid.
NOTE: On the day of entering into force of the Law on Civil Servants (“Official Gazette of Republika Srpska”, 118/08, 16.12.2008), Provisions of Articles 7 through 11, Article 13, Article 32, Articles 42 through 77, Articles 85 through 89, Article 122 and Article 126 of the Law on the Civil Service in the RS Administration, shall cease to be valid.
RS, 16/02 30/03/2002
Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on the Civil Service in the Republika Srpska Administration RS, 62/02 07/10/2002
Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on the Civil Service in the Republika Srpska Administration RS, 38/03 30/05/2003
High Representative Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on the Civil Service in the Republika Srpska Administration No. 207/04 RS, 42/04 11/05/2004
Law Amending the Law on the Civil Service in the Republika Srpska Administration RS, 49/06 29/05/2006
Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on the Civil Service in the Republika Srpska Administration RS, 20/07 22/03/2007
Rules of Procedure of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 10/13 11/02/2013
Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 32/13 29/04/2013
Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 22/14 24/03/2013
Rules of Procedure of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 79/14 06/10/2014
Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 81/15 19/10/2015
Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 97/15 21/12/2015
Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 78/19 29/11/2019
Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 26/20 08/05/2020
Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 53/22 09/08/2022
Rules of Procedure of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 58/14 28/07/2014
Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 88/15 10/11/2015
Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 96/15 15/12/2015
Rules of Procedure amending the Rules of Procedure of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 53/16 22/07/2016