02/23/2018 OHR

More engagement by young people will make a difference

“Citizens, particularly young citizens who will vote for the first time this October, can make changes in their communities and I want to ask you all to execute your democratic right on the election day,” High Representative Valentin Inzko said today.

Speaking in Milici at a public forum organized by the European Movement, the High Representative welcomed the recently adopted European Commission’s Enlargement Strategy for the Western Balkans.

The High Representative stressed that BiH is today a country at peace and although we are beyond the reconstruction of the country, it has to continue to develop: “The starting point is an efficient and functioning Rule of Law system where no one is above the law.”

In his address to forum participants, the High Representative encouraged young people from different communities, different cantons and different entities to find areas of common interest and to work together to make their voices heard more clearly.

The full text of the High Representative’s remarks can be accessed at www.ohr.int