
Zaključci Vijeća Evropske Unije za opće poslove, Luksemburg

Vijeće je pozdravilo dogovor koji su postigli politički lideri u Bosni i Hercegovini o provedbi odluke Ustavnog suda o konstitutivnosti naroda. Izrazilo je pohvale za ključne napore visokog predstavnika Wolfganga Petritscha, koji je pomogao u postizanju sporazuma. Vijeće je pozvalo da parlamenti oba entiteta Bosne i Hercegovine [...]

General Affairs Council (GAC) Conclusions

Recalling its conclusions of 28 January 2002, the Council announced the EU's readiness to ensure, by the 1st of January 2003, the follow-on to the United Nations International Police Task Force (IPTF) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). In order to ensure a successful follow-up to the UN IPTF, the EU´s aim would be a broad approach with activities add [...]

EU Statement on Bosnia-Herzegovina

The European Union is pleased to welcome High Representative Petritsch and ambassador Beecroft to the Permanent Council. Their joint appearance bears witness to the continued good co-operation between the two institutions; a co-operation which remains essential for the success of the international community’s effort in Bosnia-Herzegovina