
Speech by Principal Deputy High Representative Donald Hays At Mayor’s Conference

I am here today to talk about how you can make this country work. I am addressing you because I believe you are the ones who can begin to make it work.
You have it within your power to bring about a fundamental change in the fortunes of your fellow citizens -- and from the conversations I have had with many of you I believe that you want to [...]

Speech by the High Representative Paddy Ashdown at the Economist Conference

The Economist Business Roundtable deals with management culture, investment conditions and government intervention, and it is this focused business perspective that makes the discussion here so refreshing – because your bottom line is whether companies can do business profitably in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The short answer is yes, they can.

Speech by the High Representative Paddy Ashdown To the BiH Parliamentary Assembly

Thank you for inviting me, once again. Ahead, you face some truly momentous decisions about the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina. And these will be the subjects of my speech today.
But first, let’s take stock of where we are.
Steady Progress
This year we have made some real progress.
Sometimes, amid the sound and the [...]